Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hi everyone out there in blogger land!!!

Welcome all you fellow squeaky clean bookworms out there! I am a very conservative reader. I LOVE well written books that have thought out plot lines and in depth character development. I go to the library regularly and usually walk out with anywhere from 4-6 books at a time. To my utter frustration and, in some cases, sadness, most of them end up going right on back to the library before I even finish the 3rd chapter. I know you are probably thinking that I am just extremely picky(and maybe I am) but, more often then not, the reason I put them down isn't because they aren't wonderfully well written books. It's because they are either unnecessarily inappropriate (explicit) or have words that make my skin crawl when spoken much less read. I have probably had to return almost 70 books in the last 6 months because of these reasons. And so I have decided to start this blog in a desperate attempt to have some light shed on this horrible phenomenon that has been grossly overlooked. I will be posting comments on some of my favorite clean books giving ratings and detailed descriptions of what you are getting into if there is anything. I will also be commenting on some questionable books to watch out for. I know I hate it when I get into a story line just to have to give it up. If anyone has suggestions on books they would like me to check into I would really appreciate the input! I hope for this to be a worthwhile endeavor.

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